Software for Mapping and Surveying
FieldGenius for Android
Field Software Solutions
FieldGenius for Android
Field Software Solutions
FieldGenius for Android provides a brand-neutral solution, supporting most common hardware available in the market today.
FieldGenius provides advanced features such as tilt compensation, RTK corrections, GIS attribute collection, COGO, shapefile import/export, and more.
Call or Email for a Quote!
Questions? Contact Tyler Bristow | 757.647.7016 | tyler@centerlinemapping.com
Work with Android Tablets and phones.
Measure points in the field.
Conduct COGO calculations, see the results immediately on the map, and save the results using project points.
Create line work on the go while collecting points.
Easily assign codes to points.
Improved editing of line segments in the field.
Updated point staking workflows and navigation displays.
Display of satellite maps and images as background files in the map view screen.
Ability to login to WMS servers for background maps.
Access to the MicroSurvey library of coordinate systems, geoids, and grid shift files as well as the ability to define a custom coordinate system.
Support for a wide number of GNSS receivers from major Original Equipment Manufacturers.
Rapid deployment of new features and bug fixes.
Tilt Measurement Support.
Shapefile Import/Export to support working with GIS software.
GIS Attribute Collection – allowing users to tag attribute information with their observations.
Surface staking.
GNSS Offset functionality.
Contact Us!
Have a question about something? Get in touch!
Email us: tyler@centerlinemapping.com
Give us a call: 757-647-7016